Artesis | Food & Beverage

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The food & Beverage industry has to overcome much more specific manufacturing and maintenance obstacles related to hygienic standards and safety. Since the Artesis condition monitoring products do not need any sensor installation on the equipment itself, they do not pose any problem in terms of hygiene and safety.

The machines deployed in the food processing industry are highly complex and challenging to maintain due to the connected system of conveyors, belts and fasteners. Artesis’s unique model-based solution helps maintenance specialists to predict when equipment failure might occur by continuously monitor the asset’s health and detecting deviations from the reference model.

Companies are using predicting maintenance in food and beverage industry for;

  • Lowering operational expenses and environmental risks arising due to equipment breakdown
  • Ensuring optimal performance and detect potential failures.
  • Enhancing equipment reliability and extend the overall operational life of its assets.
  • Optimising asset performance
  • Boost growth and sustainability
  • Speed up the decision-making process

Why Artesis?

Production Line

Depending on the food or beverage being produced, the process may be different from one product to another. However, the machines involved are usually the same in any food and beverage production line. Monitor the conveying systems that used to move the materials and products along the line and make sure they never stop as the product could be lost. Monitor the motor-driven mixers and centrifuges used in the ingredients blending stage. Faulty equipment in this stage may result in a bad blend that would not meet the standards, thus resulting in product loss. Monitor the motors and gearboxes driving the extruders in the production line. Depending on the product, extruders may be the heart of the process. Monitor the feeders that supply ingredients, blenders, and any other material or product needed for the production process. A faulty feeder may be the cause of stopping an entire production line. As you can see, almost any motor-driven equipment can be monitored with Artesis technology to ensure proper operation.

Service Equipment

In any production line, there is a need for service equipment. This is particularly more relevant in the food and beverage industry due to sanitation and quality standards. Water, fresh air, and compressed air are among the most common services that need to be supplied to a food and beverage production line. Monitor feedwater pumps to ensure the water needed for the process is properly supplied. Monitor cleaning water pumps to ensure all the cleaning activities are properly performed. Monitor air compressors to ensure all pneumatic devices run properly and detect any load fluctuation due to possible air loss. Monitor fresh air supply fans and extraction fans to ensure the ventilation of the facilities meet the standards required. Monitor motor-driven equipment used in heating and cooling systems, whether they are used for the process or to control the environment. Again, Artesis technology allows monitoring of critical equipment to detect any mechanical or electrical problems timely.